A (belated) story of the Huff-Claassen visit!
The cowtown portion of our family came to hang out in our happy little casa by the lake and much fun was had by all. But, I would guess Miles had the most fun. The very first words out of Miles' mouth every morning before we even stepped foot outside of his bedroom was 'I want Rhys'. To have (one of) his 5-year-old cousin(s) here was incredibly exciting for him.

The two cousins getting clean together after a long day of playing at the beach.
Aunt Charlotte and Rhys at the Santa Monica Beach. Rhys occupied himself with gathering all the shells that he could find into the blue bucket in his hand. I bet they have a special place in his bedroom back in Fort Worth.
We sure did enjoy showing the Huff-Claassen three a good time. It's just too bad that we all can't be closer! We'll have to get out to their neck of the woods once it cools off for a Texas-style visit.