And the best case of bed head EVER goes to.........

Though it may appear to be windy in our dining area, this is actually the way Miles' hair looked all morning, sans breeze. That is what I get for putting him to bed with wet hair. I left it that way for his day at preschool too, hee hee. I bet people pay big $$ somewhere for this look, right?? Hmmmm, maybe be not.

For Miles' second award of the morning, he takes the gold in most adorable oatmeal covered face category - AGAIN. Seriously, I'll clean him up after breakfast and I'll
still find oatmeal on his t-shirt, in his hair, on his elbow (how??) and, of course, on me. When deciding how to dress in the morning, I occasionally recall the wonderful advice given to me by my brother, Jeff, and his wife, Charlotte - wear easily washable clothes at all times when you can - cotton preferably! Some of the best advice given to me ever.
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