This is a typical moment of playtime at out mommy and me class, except there is actually a girl in the mix! Not so usual....Please notice the birthday boy is wearing his birthday crown.

Mr. Miles, the three year old (wow!), with the top half of his new jammies on. He insisted on wearing it immediately!

Here we are at the birthday celebration at our mommy and me class with his "best friend, Daniela!"

Mommy and Miles at mommy and me class - birthday cupcake in hand.

At Miles' 3 year check up we were told that he is 37" tall and that he weighs 35 pounds. This puts him in the 40% for size and 75% for weight, I think! We also found a new doc to take Miles to that is really close by (yeah) AND combines both eastern and western medicines. Dr. Nancy, as she likes to be called by the kiddos, comes highly recommended, so we were happy to finally get in to her practice after literally months of trying. Miles' liked her, too.
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