The Big Change has come to the Linder household....
No, I have not gone into early menopause.....hee hee......We switched Miles crib into a Big Boy Bed. Oh boy, did Brian and I wring our hands over this decision, but our little Mr. Miles has taken to the switch over just fine - for now! It has been almost three weeks since the move up, and I have only dreamt that Miles got out of his bed to come find us. Whew! Now to figure out how Miles can keep his stellar record until he turns 18.....
Here is the crib, pre-upgrade (sniff, sniff)
Ah - ha! Now I can escape! I'll wait until mommy and daddy are least expecting it......3AM sounds perfect!
But seriously - our little guys' nursery is now a full blown bedroom. No more crib. I guess the binkies go next, then the diapers. Ugh, next thing I know he'll be hassling me to let him take the car out to go see an R rated movie! Oh, the time - it goes by so fast.
It's so sad to see the crib go, isn't it? Congrats to your big boy!!
p.s.- in our house, the diapers went long before the binkies!
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