Tuesday, June 24, 2008

For adult eyes only!
Hee hee.........Please see below for photos of Miles first foray into public nudity. It took him a minute to strip down (with my help, of course) but he did. And he remained in his birthday suit for quite some time.

We went over to Milo and Green's (Milo's mama) house this afternoon for some summer afternoon fun and found Milo in the backyard with Sophia, already sans clothes. Miles took to the spirit of the afternoon quickly, as you can see.

I just hope Miles does not wake up tomorrow morning with any awkward sunburns! I'll keep you all posted.....

By the way, for those of you who do not know yet, Miles is starting preschool next week! The director called me to tell me that a space opened up early and we nabbed it. We know that our little guy will love it! We are really excited for him as he has become the oldest kiddo at his daycare and it is truly time to move on. Big stuff!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Monkeys love strawberries!
At least ours does anyway. Previous attempts were met with a puckered, unhappy face. I suppose that the strong, sweet taste of the berries were overwhelming. Miles' great, great Aunt Marybel bought him some organic strawberries from Trader Joe's and he gobbled them up. Ever since then, we have been buying them whenever they look good for we three to enjoy. I hope that this is finally a good year for the yummy, red fruit.
Below, Miles is showing us the best strawberry in the bunch, or so he thinks.

After dad gives it a good washing and cuts off the funky green part (or so Miles probably thinks), it's time to enjoy!

This morning, completely out of the blue, Miles sang me happy birthday! His rendition was a bit broken up, of course, but still ridiculously cute.

Lately he has refused to wear a bib when he eats (an incredibly messy breakfast consisting of) oatmeal or yogurt. These are the only two foods that he put up with wearing a bib to enjoy. Instead he leans his little face over his bowl to cut down on the spilling of food on himself. We have never introduced this preventive measure to Miles and I highly doubt that his caregiver has time to feed the kiddos food that involves as spoon and a bowl, SO I guess that Miles came up with all on his own. Interesting......

Friday, June 06, 2008

We are finally settled!
And mama has some down time to start catching up on the blog......
Whew! Moving (especially with an ACTIVE toddler) is quite the adventure! Sort of like a never ending roller coaster ride.
Anyway - I'll begin by publishing some photos of still life in the new Linder casa bonita.

Marybel and my mom's cousin, Mike Hancock, came out for an afternoon visit while Mike was in town from Houston.

Pictured above, Miles is enjoying some chicken tenders with his great-great Aunt Marybel. Below, Miles and Mike are goofing around post-dinner.

And, finally, Miles and daddy are checking out the pool at our new casa in Culver City. My boys and their flap hats - who looks dorkier?? Oh well, it is a good thing to cover their super white boy skin!

Miles and I (and daddy when he has a day off) will be attending swim classes starting in August through through the Culver City Rec. Department. Water safety and general toddler swimming techniques (???) will be a very welcomed education.

Next stop, the ocean! Miles loves it there, too. Such a water baby.

Please stay tuned for more updates as I have a multitude of photos and exeriences to post!