Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Here is the walking boy!!!
Yep, folks, it is time for Mr. Miles to show of his walking talents. Miles got a really entertaining walking toy for his birthday, called an activity cart, that has shown him just how cool and fun it is to walk across the room practically on his own.
Check him out below.

He could push that darned cart across the room all day! Or until he is distracted by his other toys.

Some of you may be patiently waiting for Miles' first year check-up results. Well, you will have to wait a bit longer, sorry. Last week was his first week of daycare and he caught a nasty stomach flu bug already, poor little guy. So, I cancelled his appointment that I had set for last Friday. Once he is fully recovered, we will take him in. Plus, I am not too jazzed about him getting more shots, so we are in no rush!

As always, Stay tuned....

Saturday, February 10, 2007

The Big Birthday Party!
Here is the one year old, in all his happy guy glory. Miles enjoyed his first birthday party at our friend Eileen's apartment, on Sunday the 4th. The weather was perfect, a typical sunny So Cal day. Barely a cloud in the sky and a balmy temp. Miles is posing in his new Hawaiian print shirt while watching mama Lydia feed his buddy Spencer (he is just out of frame) his lunch.

Here are the Linders enjoying the actual birthday for Mr. Miles down at the Santa Monica pier, which was on Tuesday, the 6th. That day was unseasonably cold and foggy. More like London weather.....Miles got to see an arcade for the first time and see mama play Ms. Pacman for most likely the last time!

Pictured below is Miles with one of his favorite honoray aunties, Heather.

What I love most about this photo is the visible drool hanging off his chin! Gotta love it.

Here is Miles with his great, great aunt Marybel.

Miles, back to camera, is working the room. His littler guest here are Jasper, his mom Farrah is feeding him, and Milo Blue (in mama Green's arms).

Below is the photo cake. After looking at it, he just did not know what he was to do with it and why everyone was singing to him and staring at him and the same time! priceless. Sorry that we did not get a photo of the cake face, but some day, if Brian and I are savvy enough, it will wind up on You Tube......

Happy birthday, Miles, we love you!!!!