Is Miles pondering the fact that he is about to be one year old, that he looks adorable even with deli meat on his shirt, or that he knows some great secret that he wishes he could tell me?! We will never know! Perhaps he has just discovered more teeth poking through his gums....
Anyhoo, our little bundle of happy, drooling babyness is about to be a whole, whopping year old and I can barely believe it! This past year has been more wonderfully challenging that I ever thought possible and I want to THANK YOU ALL for the love and support that you sent our way. Having a child has shown me how blessed we are to have such an incredible community (near and far) of friends and family. Gush, gush!
Stay tuned for the b-day pics and the stats from the one year pediatricians office visit!
BTW, did I tell you all that Miles eats with his LEFT HAND!!!!! Woo hoo for the lefties!!!! Another redheaded southpaw for the world. Tee hee.................