Here are a few photos of the exterior of the new Linder casa by the lake.
Just when you thought that it was safe to write our address in ink in your address book - we move.
This place is wonderful - lots of trees, QUIET, pools, jacuzzis, MORE QUIET, and a marvelous feeling of serenity. I truly feel that this will be our home for awhile.
During our first tour of the property, we saw an egret that Miles chased around until it flew away!
I told him that we would see him again soon.
Anyhoo - our new address as of May 10th, 2008 is:
13112 Summertime Lane (no unit #)
Culver City, CA 90230
I have not switched the home phone line over, but I believe that it will not change.
Did i mention that Culver City public schools have a really great reputation? Another major plus to the move.
Please come visit us soon! We start the big move on May 9th. Heck, come on out and slug a box or two! We will gladly pay you in pizza and beer. And I bet Miles will throw in a complimentary hug and sloppy kiss!
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