March 18th - A BIGGGG Day of firsts for our little guy.
The picture below is of the first time that Miles took a bath in the tub. Previously, he took a bath within an inflatible tub in our tub. THAT sprung a leak, so he has graduated! Now for more tub toys to fill the water. I think that he has been ready for the big move because he really enjoys flopping and splashing in the water now.
The expression below is, I believe, of complete wonderment. Miles is now sitting facing forward in the back seat and is in awe of his new view . The first few minutes of every car ride he wears this expression. Perhaps it is the direct cause of momma's driving? Nooooooo. Seriously, I think that his is fascinated by the angle on the world in which he lives.

And as a footnote, I took Miles in for his one year check-up last week to find out that he had a double ear infection! Ugh. I sure could not tell by his great mood, good sleeping (thank God) or his appetite that he had anything more than a slight cold due to his cough and runny nose. He is now finishing up his thrid run of antibiotics since December. :-(((
The doc said that he is in the bottom 25% for height and weight. He ALWAYS has his happy Buddha belly, which leads Brian and I to believe that he is healthy (except for the colds and ear infections here and there) and thriving. When he is over the seemingly constant run of colds, we will take him in for his 12 month immunizations. By that then it will be time for the 15 month shots! Ugh, no rush on that, eh?!
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