Tee hee, Brian took off for work so I put Miles in the Red Sox outfit you see here. All the while I could hear Brian in my head saying "I loathe the Red Sox"........Jen if I get in to trouble, you are to blame!
By the way, Miles weighed in at 17 lbs. 2 ozs. and 26 and 1/2 inches long at his 6 (and 1/2) month check-up. This puts him in the 50% for both catagories. His big 'ole noggin' is still in the top 75% though! Lots o' room for that ginormous brain of his.
I didn't realize Brian's hatred for the Sox was that strong... I'll make sure I send ALL of Jack's old Red Sox kit so that you can threaten to put it on Miles if needed!! :) he he
p.s. He is getting more and more adorable with every picture!
Becky - what a precious blog site! You are too creative! and funny! What a great way for all of us to watch him grow up and to feel like we are with you with your narratives.love ya! Kathy
Oh, and thanks for the pic's!
We love the miles files. can't wait for next seasons episodes. he is soooo handsome and talented.
much love.
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